Will Harper, an Immanuel Young Adult, on “Purpose”
We Invite You To Share Your Thoughts
In Signpost #5, after summarizing the fantastic responses we got from many of you on how you view “success,” we asked you to continue the conversation, and respond to the question of how you have developed a sense of purpose or direction.
If you haven’t responded yet, click here to share a word, a phrase, a sentence, or a paragraph with your thoughts.
As you reflect on that question, we urge you to read three extraordinary articles linked in the Pathways Resource Map. We also invite you to respond using the button below to suggest a reading or video resource that has helped you develop a sense of purpose or direction and tell us why, and/or react to these articles.
The articles (which are also linked below) were written by Will Harper, a young adult from Immanuel. He’s a Pathways mentor; seekers can contact him for one-on-one chats using the Pathways Mentor Directory.
We liked what Will says so much we linked them in six of the Resource Maps: High School, College, Young Adults, Spiritual Issues, Mentors, and Immanuel Favorites. We can’t do the articles justice by summarizing them here, so we will simply highlight a few quotes to encourage you to read them for yourself.
Article 1: Why Finding Your Purpose is the Most Important Thing You’ll Ever Do
“Finding your purpose is more than just a way to get what you want from life. Just as navigation is an essential element of exploring the open seas, purpose is a necessary part of living life fully. The alternative is to labor at something less than your best, to relegate the things you care about to nights and weekends, and to resign yourself to the doldrums of “pretty good” or worse. Purpose is a triumphant embrace of the one life we get. It is a declaration that we matter, other people matter and that we all deserve happiness.”
Article 2: But What is a Purpose?
“Purpose transforms storms from suffering to opportunity. Each storm you survive hones your skills and brings you closer to your destination. You will know you have found your purpose when you begin to view the storms of your life not as needless pain, but as a necessary part of navigating the route you have chosen with deep conviction.”
Article 3: Finding Your Purpose: A How To Guide
“What are my strengths? What are my passions? What are my values?” So many of us don’t really know what we’re good at. We accept what society offers us as our “passions” (TV, alcohol, shopping and sports) without ever really examining if we actually like them... The purpose process requires turning inward, really asking these questions and answering honestly.”
We Need YOUR Contributions to the Resource Maps and Reactions to Will’s Articles!
Here’s How:
Use the button below to share a book, article, blog, website, video, movie or podcast that has helped you develop your sense of purpose or direction, and why, and/or share your reaction to Will’s articles.
Reminder from Signpost #5
What has helped you develop a sense of purpose or direction?
Use the button below to tell us, in a word, a phrase, or a sentence or two. We’ll share what we hear in a future issue of Signposts.
You’ll see a list of potential responses to get you thinking— but as always, we want your ideas.